Friday, 22 January 2016

My Plans (Evaluation)

Once I have completed all my filming for my music video and uploaded them to iMovie, I will then need to place them in order and insert the track, I will also have to cut them to fit. My footage is all planned however, I will need to change some clips a little as some of the timings and lip syncing are incorrect. I will have to re-film these clips. This shouldn't take me long but is an inconvineance to my original plans.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Editing Techniques

For the production of my music video, I plan on using many different types of editing techniques and transitions to make my video appear more professional. I want to ensure that it is to a high standarad and that it runs as smooth as possible. Below, I have found and selected a few examples of the techniques and transitions that I would like to use, they are as follows-

 1. Clip cutting-

 Cutting the clips is a very basic editing technique that I am going to use when ordering and putting my footage together. Once I put my clips in order, I will cut them using the clip trimmer to erase any unwanted footage or to make my clips longer or shorter to make the correct timings. Cutting the clips are a smooth and quick way to jump from one clip to another.


2. Fade out

Another transition effect is fade out. It is a good transition affect to use, I plan on using this in the making of my music video. My plan is on using the fade from black transition right at the beginning of my music video to make it look more professional and so that my video has more of an introduction and doesn't just come straight in with the music. This will make it appear more smooth and realistic.

3. Flash backs

My plan is to use the flash back effect within the production of my music video. This will stand side by side with fade outs. I feel that these two effects will compliment each other massively. For this I will show my clips fading into a memory. For example I will show a current time clip and then flash back to old flash backs. This will give the effect that my artist looking back on the past is trying to create.

4. Transition effects- 

'Cross Dissolve' 
I plan to use cross dissolving in the process of producing my music video. I will use this between some of my clips. The effect uses it's technique to layer two different clips together. This is so the change between clips is much flower and there is more of a fade between them. This then allows one of the clips to fade out so the new one can then go on and start. Furthermore, this gives more of a smooth and proffessional transition. Some of my music videos contain flashbacks into the past. This transition effect will give my audience an idea that time is passing and that it is a flashback. I also hope to use this transition effectively and not over use it within my music video as I don't want my audience to get bored and find my artist mainstream.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016


Here I have produced a timeline. This shows my plans and ideas for the production, planning and post production of my music video. I have done this so that I can have a rough idea of timings and so that I have a guide to follow to get everything completed by a certain date. I hope to be fully completed by March 10th.

            January 1st-14th January 15th-20th January 21st-31st February 1st-14th February 15th-27th March 1st-10th
Production                                                                                                                                                                          PostProduction                                                                                                                                                                   
 Call sheets, Shoot schedules, story boards, costumes and prop lists Filming Editing Finishing of coursework and finishing my evaluation  

Monday, 4 January 2016

Shoot Schedule

Here is my shoot schedule. It contains all the dates and locations needed to film the shots so that they can be filmed in an organised manor and so I can move on to my next location and scene easily without a fuss.

Date&Time   Frame Section     Actors Involved   Equipment&Props   Location   Interference's

Jan 28th 2016    Scene setting shot/    No actors involved    Canon 600D                    Hedley             Low/No sun
12.40pm             Establishing shot      (scenic shot only)                                                                       Outdoor setting

Jan 30th 2016    Lip Syncing, Close    Actor 1 (Beth)          Canon 600D                     Headley          No sun, raining
15.30pm            Ups, High angle,        Actor 2 (William)     Tripod                                                     Outdoor setting
                          Long shots & Track                                     Sunglasses
                          -ing shots

Feb 7th 2016    Lip syncing                  Actor 1 (Beth)          Canon 600D                    Box Hill          No sun, raining
13.30pm           Mid Shot                                                        Tripod                                                     Outdoor setting

Feb 15th 2016  Mid shot/Low shot      Actor 3 (Harry)         GoPro                             Marbella          Hot Sun & mid
13.45pm                                               Actor 4 (Myself)        IPhone 6S                      Puerto Banus   Sun
                                                   Actor 5 (Alfie)

Feb 18th 2016  High shot/Wide shot   Actor 3 (Harry)         IPhone 6S                       Sierra Nevada   Warm winter sun
15.00pm                                               Actor 4 (Myself)

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Call Sheet

Below is a sample of my call sheet. On the call sheet below it explains all the important details about my music video shoot and the full information. I have included things such as equipment needed, actors, costumes, props, times, dates and the weather on that day.

Production name; Into the Woods-Taylor Swift (cover)
Director; Alex
Producer; Alex
Camera work; Alex, Alfie and Bethany
Location; Headley and Mulberries Lake
Date; January 7th 2016 and January 10th 2016
Start Time; 10am and 12pm
End Time; 3.30 pm and 4pm

Actor's, Costume's and Prop's-
Bethany- Green Dress, grey coat. Small LED lights (setting).
William- Black jeans, white t-shirt and brown coat. Small LED lights (setting).
Harry- Swimming shorts and ski clothing.
Alfie- Swimming shorts.
Myself- bikini and ski clothing.

Equipment- GoPro, Canon600DDSL Camera and Tripod.
Weather- Sun, blue sky's and slightly cloudy.