Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Editing Techniques

For the production of my music video, I plan on using many different types of editing techniques and transitions to make my video appear more professional. I want to ensure that it is to a high standarad and that it runs as smooth as possible. Below, I have found and selected a few examples of the techniques and transitions that I would like to use, they are as follows-

 1. Clip cutting-

 Cutting the clips is a very basic editing technique that I am going to use when ordering and putting my footage together. Once I put my clips in order, I will cut them using the clip trimmer to erase any unwanted footage or to make my clips longer or shorter to make the correct timings. Cutting the clips are a smooth and quick way to jump from one clip to another.


2. Fade out

Another transition effect is fade out. It is a good transition affect to use, I plan on using this in the making of my music video. My plan is on using the fade from black transition right at the beginning of my music video to make it look more professional and so that my video has more of an introduction and doesn't just come straight in with the music. This will make it appear more smooth and realistic.

3. Flash backs

My plan is to use the flash back effect within the production of my music video. This will stand side by side with fade outs. I feel that these two effects will compliment each other massively. For this I will show my clips fading into a memory. For example I will show a current time clip and then flash back to old flash backs. This will give the effect that my artist looking back on the past is trying to create.

4. Transition effects- 

'Cross Dissolve' 
I plan to use cross dissolving in the process of producing my music video. I will use this between some of my clips. The effect uses it's technique to layer two different clips together. This is so the change between clips is much flower and there is more of a fade between them. This then allows one of the clips to fade out so the new one can then go on and start. Furthermore, this gives more of a smooth and proffessional transition. Some of my music videos contain flashbacks into the past. This transition effect will give my audience an idea that time is passing and that it is a flashback. I also hope to use this transition effectively and not over use it within my music video as I don't want my audience to get bored and find my artist mainstream.

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