Monday, 9 November 2015

Album Cover Analysis (3)

CD cover 3: Katy Perry- Teenage Dream
Front cover:  colours

Pink,  Blue, Nude, Black, White, Red.
Front cover:  image
•           How image  links to band / album name – any hidden meanings?

The  front cover is Katy Perry lying in pink fluffy clouds naked. She has black  hair and red lips. The hidden meaning is that it’s a dream and that is why  she’s in clouds.
Front cover:  fonts (for band and album name, differences)
•           font size
•           number of  characters

The  font on the front cover is candy looking. Her name is bigger than the album  name. The album name font has a dripping effect on it. The artists name is  placed top centre whereas the album name is bottom centre. The parental  advisory sign is bottom right of the album. There are 21 characters not  including the parental advisory sign.
Back cover:  what info is included

The  back cover presents the 12 songs that the album has. A barcode is included  and website and record label are also included.
Back cover:  links to front cover

The  pink clouds and blue sky are carried on to the back. The candy font on the  back is very effective and matches the font on the front.
Spine  information and links to front and back cover
Artists  name and album name ( Katy Perry          Teenage Dream)
Overall, how  does iconography represent the band?
All  the colourful images represent her fun album and how she is a girly singer  and it is all pink. The fun fonts so she is a groovy pop singer.

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