Pop as a genre has very specific conventions that shows the audience that the track is a pop song. Below this is a detailed list on conventions that i believe fall into the genre of pop. This also includes some aspects of pop music videos that also make them obviously belong to that genre;
1. Music videos for pop songs usually contain a love story of some sort explained by the artist and they usually contain an obvious theme throughout. Commonly they also contain more than one person or a couple.
2. The people shown throughout music videos also are very fashionable and up to date, the people shown are always keeping up with trends and present some type of glamour (such as professional hair styles and make-up done to a high standard) and they're always made to look attractive or involve attractive young people. (well dressed)
3. Bright colours and lighting is used to make the songs appeal more to a younger audience. This is because it makes their lives look lively, up beat and wild. These are all aspects that young people can relate to and find interesting to watch.
4. There is always a narrative (a story) that is put in to hold the audiences attention. Sometimes there is something running parallel to the story, this is usually people performing in some way (for example, dancing).
5. Many close up shots of the artists are used and sometimes close ups of other people that are featured in the video to enhance their look and to keep them as the main focus. These close up shots are highly important as they ensure the audiences focus is on the right thing.
Below I have inserted some screenshots of a few music videos from the pop genre. I have done this to emphasize my pop genre conventions above. I wanted to back up the fact people used in pop genre music videos are fashionable and always keeping up with trends, looking glamorous or are telling a love story of some sort.
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